How to Cooking

How to Cooking

How to cooking

How to make Olive Bread – Recipe

We’ve teamed up with Olives from Spain to create one of the most amazing breads ever. A flavorful olive bread made with good quality olives, fresh herbs, garlic and a dash of chili. A perfectly crispy crust while the inside is soft, fragrant and slightly chewy. This bread will become a hit everywhere you serve it and it’s perfect for appetizers, sandwiches and as a side dish.

How to make Olive Bread

Source:Home Cooking Adventure


4 cups (500g) bread flour
1 teaspoon (5g) salt
25g fresh yeast (or 2 teaspoons active dry yeast)
½ teaspoon (2g) garlic powder
1 teaspoon (1g) rosemary
1 teaspoon (3g) grated chili
Fresh thyme leaves
⅔ cup (92 g) green olives, pitted – drained and chopped
⅔ cup (92 g) black olives, pitted – drained and chopped
1/2 cup (360 ml) of water

1. In a large bowl mix flour with salt, garlic powder, rosemary, chili and fresh thyme.

2. Dissolve fresh yeast in ½ cup (120ml) of water and add to flour mixture. Add the rest of 1 cup (240ml) of water and

Start kneading the dough until it pulls away from the sides of the bowl.

3. Add olives and knead a little more until combined. Grease with olive oil in a clean bowl, transfer dough and cover with cling film. Let it rest for 2.5 hours at room temperature until the size triples.

4. On a floured surface, flatten the dough into an oval and start rolling one edge inward. Roll and turn upside down and shape into a ball. Sprinkle flour and cornstarch on a clean towel, add flour and cover. To increase by 30-45 minutes.

5. Meanwhile, turn the oven to 470F (240C) and add a 9 inch (23cm) round cast iron pan inside without the lid. Leave in the oven for about 30-45 minutes until the dough rises in the towel.

6. Remove the cast iron pan from the oven, place the batter in the pan one by one and cover the lid. Bake for 25-30 minutes at 470F (240C) and open the lid to create steam.

7. Open the lid and bake for another 20 minutes at 440F (230C) for a crispy golden brown crust.

8. Let cool completely before cutting bread.


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