How to Cooking

How to Cooking

How to cookingHow To Make Cake

How to Make Pateso – Pate Chaud

This is an easy cake to make and a simple recipe that everyone can make. After enjoying you will not be able to forget this cake.

How to Make Pateso

Materials needed.

2 onions.
1 pinch green onion.
500 grams of spinach.
1 pinch of parsley.
1 glass of kefir, 200 ml.
1 cup of tea, 90 ml.
1 teaspoon salt, 8 grams.
Separate 1 egg white for the batter and the yolk for the top.
3.5 cups flour, 420 grams.
1 teaspoon butter, 15 grams.
1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 12 ml.
Let’s make 9 equal meringues.
1 teaspoon red chili, 5 grams.
1 teaspoon salt, 4 grams.
Each type 1 teaspoon black pepper, cumin, mint.
You can add hot or sweet chili as you like.
Let’s add 1 tablespoon of kefir and vegetable oil to the egg yolk that we separated.
Let’s mix it up and brush it on.
Grind sesame seeds and black cumin seeds.
Bake in 180°C oven for 25-30 minutes.

How to Make Pateso

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