How to Cooking

How to Cooking

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choux au craquelin – How to make choux au craquelin | Crispy Cream Puffs

Choux au Craquelin are small cream puffs topped with a sweet crunchy topping, called craquelin, that is simply irresistible.

choux au craquelin

Source:Home Cooking Adventure


Make about 35 small cream puffs

1/4 cup (56g) butter, room temperature
1/3 cup (67g) light brown sugar
1/2 cup (62g) flour
1 tablespoon (8g) unsweetened cocoa powder

Choux cake
1 cup (125g) all-purpose flour
3.5 oz (100ml) milk
3.5 oz (100ml) of water
2 teaspoons 10g) sugar
1/2 teaspoon (2g) salt
5 1/2 tablespoons (80g) unsalted butter
4 eggs

Chantilly ice cream
2 cups (480g) whipping cream, 35% fat, chilled
1/2 cup (60g) powdered sugar
1 teaspoon (5g) vanilla extract

1. Prepare the craquelin. Using a wooden spoon or spatula, mix the butter and sugar together in a bowl. Add flour and mix until combined. Divide the mixture in half and add cocoa powder in half.

2. Place the dough between two sheets of cling film or parchment and roll out the dough until very thin, about 2-3 mm thick.

3. Refrigerate two pieces of dough for 1-2 hours or freeze for 30-45 minutes.

4. While preparing the choux pastry. Sieve flour. Boil milk, water, sugar, salt and butter in a saucepan.

5. Remove from heat and add flour all at once and combine vigorously with wooden spoon until homogeneous.

6. Place the pan back on low heat and while stirring, cook for 1 or 2 minutes to draw moisture from the batter and until it pulls away from the walls of the pan. You should see some dough sticking to the bottom of the pan.

7. Transfer dough to a large bowl and let cool. Add the eggs one at a time, carefully mixing each egg into the batter using a wooden spoon or even a stand mixer. It will produce a smooth, uniform powder that will retain its shape.

8. Fit a pastry bag with a large ½ inch (1cm) round tip and dough tube into 1 inch (3 cm) circles on a parchment lined baking tray.

9. Take the craquelin dough out of the freezer or refrigerator and cut into 1-inch (3-cm) plates, using a cookie cutter or the tip of a tube. .

10. Place the plates on top of the choux, pressing gently.

11. Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden and puffy.

12. Poke each stick with a skewer to release the steam and cool on a wire rack.

13. Prepare Chantily Ice Cream. In a large bowl, whip cream with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form. Add sugar and vanilla extract and mix to combine.

14. Use a piping bag with a small smooth tip to guide the cream into the choux from its bottom.

15. Refrigerate until ready to serve.


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