How to Cooking

How to Cooking

How to cooking

How To Make Double Chocolate Muffins – Recipe

These double chocolate muffins made with whipped cream are absolutely amazing. They don’t need to add butter or oil, the fat in the full-fat cream is enough to create one of the more moist muffins ever.

How To Make Double Chocolate Muffins - Recipe

Source: Home Cooking Adventure


Make 12 muffins

3 eggs
2/3 cup (135g) sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup (250 g) cream
1/3 cup (40g) cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 2/3 cup (210g) flour
4 oz (120 g) bitter chocolate


1. Preheat oven to 180C (350F). Line muffin tins with paper cups. Cut the chocolate into small pieces.

2. In a large bowl, add eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla extract. Mix well until thick, creamy and light yellow in color. Beat heavy cream until stiff peaks form.

3. Add cocoa powder on top of whipped cream and mix to combine.

4. Add whipped cream to the egg mixture and mix well.

5. Add baking powder and flour and mix to combine.

6. Fold the chocolate blocks and keep about 2 tablespoons of chocolate for the coating.

7. Spoon the mixture into the muffin cup. Add the remaining chocolate blocks on top of them.

8. Bake for about 25 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool slightly on wire rack before using. If the chocolate above has melted completely, add some more chunks while they are still warm to get the nice top look.



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