How to Cooking

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How to make Orange Mousse Cake – Recipe

This cake is delicious to eat, an orange cake with a fresh and juicy taste. Is the orange too thick not going to affect the texture? do not worry about As you can see in the video, the cake is very soft. I made jellies with oranges and put them in the middle of the mousse. Nice color, good taste and texture.

How to make Orange Mousse Cake

● Standard measuring cup

237 ml = 1 cup
15ml = 1Tbsp
5ml = 1 teaspoon
1 egg (without shell) 53g
Heavy cream (38% milk fat)
(Chocolate grind, powder before sifting)

● Finished cake size (18cm * 6cm)

● Orange candy (3mm thick)
1 orange
160g water (1/2 cup + 2 teaspoons + 2 teaspoons)
110g sugar (1/2 cup + 1 tablespoon)
20g orange liqueur- (optional) (1 tbsp + 1 tbsp)
Food coloring (optional)

● Orange Jelly

(Mold size: 13cm)
1 orange
50g orange juice (warm) (3 tbsp + 1 tbsp)
5 g (1 teaspoon) sugar

2 g (1/2 teaspoon) powdered gelatin
10 g (2 teaspoons) water

● Orange soup cake
(Mold size 34cm*25cm)
65g milk (1/4 cup +1 teaspoon)
65g unsalted butter (1/4 cup + 1 teaspoon)
100g cake flour (2/3 cup)

1 egg (55 g)
4 yolks

5ml vanilla extract (1 teaspoon)
25g milk (1 teaspoon + 2 teaspoons)

4 egg whites
105g sugar (1/2 cup + 1 teaspoon)

● Orange Crème pâtissière
2 yolks
30g sugar (2 tbsp + 1 tbsp)

90g milk (1/3 cup + 2 teaspoons)
110g orange juice (1/3 cup + 2 tablespoons)
9g orange peel (1 piece)
10g cornstarch (1 teaspoon + 1 teaspoon) – (can be substituted with soft flour)

15g unsalted butter (1 tablespoon)

● Cream Cheese Orange Mousse
140g cream cheese
20g sugar (1 tbsp + 2 tbsp)
50g orange juice (3 tbsp + 1 tbsp)
10g lemon juice (2 teaspoons)

5g powdered gelatin (1 teaspoon + 1/2 teaspoon)
25g water (1 tbsp + 2 tbsp)

Cream patisser orange

170g heavy cream (60% whipped) (3/4 cup)

● Ice cream decoration 120g (60g + 60g)

● Mirror enamel

25 g water (1 tbsp + 2 tbsp)
50g sugar (1/4 cup)
50g starch syrup (1/4 cup + 1 teaspoon)
32g sweetened condensed milk (2 tbsp)

4g powdered gelatin (1/2 tbsp)
+ 20g water)

50g (1/3 cup) white chocolate
Food coloring (orange)


How to make Orange Mousse Cake


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