How to Cooking

How to Cooking

How to cooking

How To Make German Apple Cake easy

Try this amazing apple pie, which was once the idol of the times. Unfortunately, it is losing importance today because almost no one knows about it and the price has become too expensive for consumers in recent years. In this video you will learn all about this infamous cake and you will also wonder how it suddenly disappeared because it was so delicious it was impossible to get it! I hope we can revive this recipe together.

How To Make German Apple Cake easy


470 g (3¾ cups + 2 tablespoons) all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons of baking soda
90 g (¾ cup) powdered sugar
3 tablespoons vanilla sugar
1 egg + 1 yolk
270g (9½ oz) butter

Apple Sauce:
1300 g (2 lb 13¾ oz) apples
5 tablespoons raw sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon

Pudding filling:
4 eggs
110 g (½ cup + 1 tablespoon) sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 tablespoons vanilla sugar
80 g (2 oz) custard powder
870 ml (3⅔ cups) milk
110g (4 oz) butter

How To Make German Apple Cake


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