How to Cooking

How to Cooking

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How to Make Spinach Scrambled Eggs with Spam – Recipe

Spinach Scrambled Eggs with Spam. This adult-friendly spam is a delightful and flavorful breakfast with deep-fried Spam, sautéed spinach, and grilled garlic chimichurri eggs. This is definitely one of the coolest recipes I’ve created. A childhood fan of Dr. Seuss, Green Eggs and Ham is the book I remember best. Maybe because it has to do with food and I find the idea of green eggs interesting.

How to Make Spinach Scrambled Eggs with Spam


1 can (12 ounce) hickory spam, diced
1 tablespoon butter
6 eggs, beaten
2 ounces Swiss cheese, chopped
8 ounces baby spinach
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon pepper

Step by step method

Step 1
Heat the butter

Step 2
More spam , light brown color

Step 3
Add spinach and seasoning

Step 4
more eggs

Step 5
Cook until almost done. Add the cheese lid, turn on low heat until cheese is melted


Servings: 1 (524.1 g)
Calories 717.6
Total fat – 45.5 g
Saturated Fat – 16.4 g
Cholesterol – 1418.3 mg
Sodium – 1413.4 mg
Total Carbohydrates – 5.9 g
Fiber – 1.3 g
Sugar – 1.7 g
Protein – 67.2 g
Calcium – 390.7 mg
Iron – 9.5 mg
Vitamin C – 15.9 mg
Thiamine – 0.2 mg

How to Make Spinach Scrambled Eggs with Spam

Please refer to more cooking methods:


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