How to Cooking

How to Cooking

How to cookingHow To Make Cake

How to Make Creamy Vanilla Eclair

A new dessert in 15 minutes of work. Melt in the mouth! Everyone is looking for this recipe! The taste is amazing, will surprise your family and friends. Delicious, quick, light and moderately sweet dessert with tea or coffee. Delicious eclairs with butter cream and condensed milk.


How to Make Creamy Vanilla Eclair


90g soft flour
68 g butter
75g water
75 g milk
12g sugar
2g salt
125 g eggs

*Cream cream
6 egg yolks
90 g sugar
2 g vanilla extract
20g soft flour
12g corn starch
420g milk
60g fresh cream
Vanilla beans 8cm
22 g butter
0.5g salt


Step 1
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 1
Combine water, salt, and butter in a saucepan and place over heat.

Step 2
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 2
When it comes to a boil and the butter has melted, sprinkle with the beaten flour continuously to prevent lumps.

Step 3
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 3
Remove the whisk and mix with a spatula or spatula continuously for half a minute over high heat – notice that the pastry begins to clump together.

Remove the pan from the hot heat.


Step 4
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 4
Relax for 10-15 minutes.

Step 5
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 5
Then add the eggs one at a time and beat with a mixer after each one – it will be harder at first as the pastry is thicker.

Step 6
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 6
The mixture should be a pastry that won’t fall off the spoon easily.

Step 7
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 7
Prepare a pastry bag – worst case, you can use a spoon.

Step 8
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 8
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Put the dough in the pastry bag and take out the mold to the shape and size you want.

Step 9
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 9
Make sure the windows are evenly spaced, they will stick out when baking and we don’t want them to stick together.

Step 10
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 10
Bake in the preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius for 25-30 minutes, if the cake is about to turn brown, do not take it out of the oven too soon, it will lose its hard shape.

Warning! Don’t open the oven while baking the roller shutters – they will deflate and lose their shape – that’s happened to me so I know for sure.

Step 11
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 11
While the windows cool, prepare the vanilla ice cream – you can also do it in advance.

I did 2 parts, I recommend you to do the same. Relax.

Step 12
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 12
Use a knife to separate the cooled windows on the long side.

Step 13
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 13
And scoop the vanilla ice cream into each one – I use a smaller spoon, I think this will be easier.

Step 14
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 14
Garnish with whipped cream, powdered sugar or top with melted chocolate.

Step 15
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 15
This is what the windows look like inside, they are delicious and have become my favorite too.

Step 16
Eclairs with vanilla ice cream – Step 16
I read somewhere that they hold up pretty well in the freezer, so I frozen some for testing – when the craving hits again 🙂


How to Make Creamy Vanilla Eclair

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